October 2024
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Nadia Comaneci Update

on April 9th, 2024 by admin

15 years ago I reviewed the autobiography of Nadia Comaneci. You can read it here. That year in November would mark the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. During that time Comaneci was plotting her escape out of the hell hole that was Communist Romania. Now a new book recently published in […]

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on March 3rd, 2024 by admin

It has been 2 years since I last posted. A lot has happened, both positive and negative. In 2022 I started a new job. In 2023, my mother got seriously ill. Her health got so bad, it left her incapable of living on her own. In less than 3 months I had to find an […]

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What Happened To General Electric?

on January 2nd, 2022 by admin

I was in the process of reading Lights Out: Pride, Delusion, and the Fall of General Electric by Thomas Gryta and Ted Mann when The Wall Street Journal reported that General Electric(GE) was separating into three businesses: Aviation, Healthcare, and Power. Thus ending the conglomerate status of GE. Full disclosure, I worked as a contractor […]

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Commenting On My Blog

on November 25th, 2021 by admin

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone: I have come to the unfortunate conclusion I will have to disable my commenting function. I have been bombarded with spam! Between cooking our Thanksgiving meal, and erasing over 1000 spam comments, I had no other option but to remove visitor’s ability to comment. I always look forward to viewing responses to […]

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Leonardo Da Vinci: Self Made Genius

on January 18th, 2021 by admin

We live in a time when there are endless documentaries and books about serial killers and other psychopaths. Do we really need another documentary or about Jeffrey Dahmer or Ted Bundy? I prefer biographies of individuals who contributed to the advancement of civilization. I want to direct your attention to one of my favorite renaissance […]

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Pandemics and the Totalitarian Impulse

on January 17th, 2021 by admin

I will not beat around the bush.  2020 was a horrible year, and I am glad it has ended.  2020 laid bare the destructiveness of an out-of-control government, and a degraded culture.  Point blank, we are in serious trouble.  My biggest concern was for my mother who had a serious health crisis.  I wanted to […]

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The Evolution of Steve Jobs

on February 2nd, 2020 by admin

It’s been 9 years since Steve Jobs has died. And I can say his absence is greatly felt in the business world. We all know about Walter Issacson’s seminal biography for which I have not read. However, my favorite blogger Gus Van Horn posted about a biography that is not as well know called Becoming […]

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30 Years After The Downfall of Eastern European Communism

on February 2nd, 2020 by admin

I know I am late on posting this but in November was 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. A month later on Christmas Day the Romanian dictatorship of Nicolae Ceausescu was overthrown and he and lowlife wife were finally executed. About 10 years ago I came across an autobiography from Nadia Comaneci, […]

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The Moon Landing and the Hidden Figures Who Got Them There

on November 7th, 2019 by admin

Dorothy Vaughan, Katherine Johnson, Mary Jackson, Margery Hannah, and Virginia Tucker the NASA Americans have never heard of until movie came out over two years ago. I first heard about Hidden Figures from reading an article in the New York Magazine. The author Margot Lee Shetterly was interviewed about her research on these incredible women […]

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on September 24th, 2019 by admin

I know it has been a long time since I have written a blog post. My father’s health took a turn for the worse in January. Sadly, he died in May. I just have not been in the mood to blog. I’ve been dealing with grief, my father’s estate, and my own life. I am […]

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